Recently I was helping a client as she worked through her monthly budget for the second month. The first few months when we begin to set a budget and start to see what the real issues are, we often find some areas of struggle as well as some small victories. This grandmother was really working hard to get her money under control. She was being very careful and intentional in her spending but we also had implemented a small savings to help her build towards her emergency fund. It was powerful to listen to her and see the excitement in her eyes and hear it in her voice.
As we looked at her budget and how she had done for the month, she stopped and exclaimed how she couldnt believe how much money she had in her savings. It wasn't a large amount but to her is was a vault full. She said "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT."
This is the norm for those who reach the end of their rope with their finances, and then come for financial coaching. We get the privilege of coming beside and encouraging people, ordinary people with sound financial principles. I get to see some very powerful things take place. And when they begin to get a little traction, all kinds of exciting things can happen...excitement builds, goals small and great are reached and oh so very often....bold exclamations of joy take place....and one of those is..."I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!"
I can believe it because I have not only experienced it myself, but I also have seen so many have success as they conquer their own personal financial by one... Perhaps I can help you develop your own personal plan. Believe me, this is life changing....if you allow me to'll be glad you did... and you can believe it!