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Several years ago my wife and I were headed out for a few minutes to take care of some family business. As we headed out the door, she turned to our then 10 year old son and asked him to be sure and shut the washer off when it began to agitate. He said no problem mom and we headed out the door.

We arrived back home in about an hour and of course the first thing mom checked was the washer. Much to her surprise the washer had finished the complete cycle so she immediately went to our son and confronted him about his apparent failure of a simple chore. She said son, I thought I had instructed you to turn off the washer when it began to agitate???

His response was priceless and has been one of those life lessons we all need from time to time. He said "mom, it didn't agitate me!" Needless to say, we both had a good laugh as we realized our apparent lack of clear communication! We all learned from this.

When dealing with our finances, this is often the case with couples and families. We often "think" that we are clear in our communication when it comes to money but in reality, we aren't. Money matters are the #1 cause of marital and relational problems today. And all we really need to do is "talk about it!" This sounds so simple, then why is it so hard for us then???? It's because it is often tied to emotional issues....thus why we really need to have good communication when it comes to finances.

We can help you with this. Many times I have seen how us sitting and chatting over dreams, goals, problems and plans can bring a welcome season of refreshment to a home, marriage and family. Developing a solid and smart plan certainly helps and my how it encourages those who get one! If you think I can help you, I'd be honored to do so....and believe me, you'll be glad you did! Why? Because Money Matters!

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